Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When Glass Towers Crumble

For longer than I care to remember liberals have labeled conservatives and anyone else that doesn't agree with them as "racist". Now this liberal lie is being exposed for what it is: pure crap. And who do we have to thank for this? None other than her royal highness Hillery and her philandering husband Bill.

This link from the Washington Post is only the latest evidence of the truth that has always been there but never discussed: the liberal left is the real source of the institutional racism in this country. Their massive social programs and giveaways come not from the goodness of their heart but from the need to use minorities for political success and from their belief that no minority can succeed without the help of lily white liberals.

Thanks to Team Billary, eyes are finally being opened. The veiled attacks obscured within liberal GoodSpeak and the outright open attacks on Obama are many and mounting as Team Billary sees the nomination that they believe to be their birthright slip away. No other candidate on either side of the aisle is playing the so-called race card. No other candidate is trying to play both the gender and race card. No other candidate has rushed headlong into the slime.

Hopefully Americans of minority backgrounds are paying attention. Hopefully they are getting tired of being used by one liberal after another. Hopefully the lies about who is racist and who isn't are being heard.

It isn't conservatives who are trying to continue the plantation mentality.

And so my fellow conservatives, pour yourself another cup of coffee and sit back and enjoy the spectacle as the glass towers of the left crumble into dust.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Oh Brave New World" - Microsoft Employee Monitoring

Just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean that you should do it.

Far too many technocrats forget this in their pursuit of newer technologies. they create a new technology and then stand back and pat themselves on the back while someone else uses the technology to lessen the human existence.

For today's installment of "Playing Craps With Mankind's Future", click the link below.

Microsoft employee monitoring patent application.

Lest I be accused of being a Luddite, remember this: technology is neither good nor evil. It simply is. It is only with the introduction of the 'human touch' that technology becomes good or bad. As we rush to embrace new technology it is not the tech that we need fear; it is the intentions of the humans that use the technology.

You have the ability and right to think for yourselves - use it or lose it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Universal helath care is NOT a RIGHT

Sorry Hillary, Barack and all the other polpigs beating the drums but universal health care is not a right. It is not even a good idea. Especially if all it means is 'someone else pays'.

Would I like someone else to pay for my health care costs? Hell yes, who wouldn't? In fact, I would be happy to just be able to afford decent health insurance. But not if it means another bloated, government mangled program that serves no purpose other than to inflate costs and assure a hefty income to a select few.

Face the facts folks, all government programs are paid for by taxpayers, you and me. You may think you are getting a great deal
but someone is going to have to pay for it and that someone is the TAXPAYER. For the record, TAXPAYER means you and me.

Health care is expensive, far more than it needs to be. Is it because of greedy doctors scheming to rip you off so they can buy another BMW? Is it because of the evil insurance industry more interesting in profits than in providing service? Is it because of excessive government interference or ridiculous malpractice suits and settlements? The answer to all is 'to some degree, yes'. But the big reason costs are so high is because we are willing to pay the inflated costs. And why are we so willing to pay the price? Because we simply send the bill to someone else to write
the check.

Not only are we willing to pay these high costs but we do so for purely elective reasons. For instance:

1. Vanity surgery - lasix, liposuction et. al.

2. Junk medicine - pick any of the diseases du jour such as the latest magic cure for obesity

3. TV-esque heroic efforts - "House" is not real life folks

4. Emergency room visits for non-emergency issues (a simple cold is not an emergency)

Beyond these reasons, there is also our fear of aging and death, a fear brought about through a lack of true faith, a fear that power hungry polpigs are all to willing to exploit.

Can health care costs be brought down without massive government intervention? Without a doubt. The key rests with us folks, the common citizens who pay for everything. Start by accepting the fact that you are going to die someday and there is nothing modern medicine can do to change that fact.

Next, take personal responsibility for your own health. If you are fat, cut down on what you eat and exercise more. If your kid has the sniffles give them chicken soup and tuck them into a warm bed for a day or two. When you do actually need to go to the doctor, ask about the prices and alternatives.

Health care is a complex topic and I do not mean to minimize the importance of a good health care system. But folks, the solution to every complex problem starts with simple steps.

Last but not least - never believe a polpig who tells you that health care is a right and that they will give us good health care. They are a large part of why it is so expensive and can not be trusted to do anything that will actually benefit us.

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