Monday, September 24, 2007

Vernice Hall Deserves Better

Vernice Hall, a 12-year-old Minneapolis girl remained in critical condition on Monday, after being shot in the head Saturday (9/22) night. She was standing in her own yard mingling with other children heading for home after her 14 year old brother's birthday party [READ MORE]. She was not harming a single thing in the world, just being a kid talking to friends in her front yard on a warm Saturday night in Minnesota.

Today, the Mayor of Minneapolis unveiled his new budget that calls for s whole slew of touchy feely youth programs and a meager increase of 18 police officers, a far cry from the 50 new officers the Mayor log ago promised the city residents.

From the Strib

"Rybak also said he'll propose devoting more money to fighting gang graffiti, truancy and curfew violations, youth violence, and for buses to transport inner-city kids to community programs."

Congratulations Minneapolis, you have elected one of the most incompetent polpigs in the nation. You have a serious problem involving violent youth gang activity and your Mayor thinks that providing bus rides to community programs is going to help curb this onslaught. Simple logic says that the youth involved with the violent youth gangs are most probably not the same youth that would be likely to make use of community programs.

Where are the 50 additional officers the Mayor promised you? He's had time to push for, and found the money to pay for, a hanging garden on top of city hall. Why not time and money to add the promised officers?

Minneapolis, aren't you tired of being lied too by liberal, actually socialst, politicians. Aren't you tired of being the subjects of one senseless social experiment after another?

How many of your children have to be shot before you kick out the touchy feely liberals?

Do you really believe that providing bus rides to community programs is going to do one damned thing to reduce the violence? Is shuffle board going to inspire a gun toting gangbanger to give up his weapon?

These are your neighborhoods that are being left unprotected by the boy Mayor and his minions. Isn't it time to take back your neighborhoods? Vernice Hall and all of the other gun shot victims in Minneapolis deserve better.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Digging Through The Muck of the Left

"Goodness gracious. oh, my paws and whiskers. Some of the meanest, most ornery hombres around are suddenly feeling faint. Notorious tough guys are swooning with the vapors. The biggest beasts in the barnyard are all aflutter over something they read in the New York Times. . . . All across the radio spectrum, right-wing shock jocks are themselves shocked. How could anybody say such a thing? It's horrifying. It's outrageous. It's disgraceful. It's just beyond the pale. . . .

Whatever your interpretation of the ad, all the gasping for air and waving of scented handkerchiefs among the war's most enthusiastic supporters is pretty comical.

It's all phony, of course. The war's backers are obviously delighted to have this ad from which they can make an issue. "

This quote is from a column in Time written by Michael Kinsley, founder of Slate and noted caring and sensitive liberal. The column was in response to outrage over the ad attack General David Petraeus. You can read the whole piece of tripe HERE.

One has to wonder how such a supposed deep thinking, caring and sensitive person could take what were obviously emotional reactions and interpret them as if they were logical arguments? For most of us, the difference between logic and emotion are fairly obvious. Perhaps Mr. Kinsley has spent so much time wallowing in the pits of what passes for liberal logic that he can no longer tell the difference?

Abortion and the Left
Junior Gangbanger shots a pregnant woman for no reason other than she was driving a car that he wanted. He gets charged with one count of murder, right? Wrong. In most jurisdictions, he would be charged with TWO counts of murder - one for the woman and the other for the unborn fetus.

Jane Doe goes to Dr. Quickill to have her fetus aborted. Any way you cut it abortion results in the death of a living entity. Rather than being charged with murder, Dr. Quickill gets a nice check and Jane is off to pursue her life of self indulgence.

If Mr. Gangbanger is guilty of murder of the fetus, why isn't Jane Doe and Dr. Quickill similarly charged?

Furthermore, if a woman has the right to control her own body, then why is prostitution illegal? Using the logic of the pro abortion folks, she should be allowed to provide and charge for sexual services if she wants to. Where are the angry left voices protesting this obvious outrage?

Bush Is A Dummy
A recurring theme found on every left wing, socialist blog and news source is that President Bush is an idiot. However, these same sources are the first to implicate this supposed dummy in all manner of complex conspiracy including the 9/11 attacks.

Come on lefties - make your mind up. Can't have it both ways. He is either a dummy or he is isn't, which is it?