Friday, June 03, 2005

A "Socialist America"? No Thanks

"Our task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us are totally disarmed."

A "Socialist America"? Sounds like something that one would expect to hear coming from some neo-hippie, Ward Churchill-type on the fringe of the loonie Left. Imagine my surprise (sarcasm intended), to find that the author of this quote is none other than the Chair of Handgun Control, Sara Brady, the wife of Jim Brady, Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary under President Ronald Reagan (The National Educator, Jan. 1994; page 3).

Over the years, we have heard Brady and her ilk spew forth a never-ending stream of touchy feely reasons for removing our Second Amendment Rights. You can visit their web site if you really need a refresher course in the liturgy of the Left. But disarming those of us who would dare to resist the attempts of the enlightened Left (yup, sarcasm again), to establish a "Socialist America" is not one of the more commonly publicized excuses.

Folks, with one simple quote from 1994, Brady has presented the best example of why we must fiercely and without compromise defend our Second Amendment Rights, as well as the entire Constitution. Read it one more time and let it sink in:

"Our task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us are totally disarmed."

Ultimately, it is up to us to take personal responsibility for the defense of what we believe in and hold near and dear to our hearts. We the Citizens. Not BigMedia, not self-serving politicians and political parties, not the public education system. Only We the Citizens can protect the country that allows us the liberty to pursue our lives, raise our families and tilt after our own windmills without the control of a tyrannical socialist government.


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